Thursday, February 20, 2014


From:  Manhunt Daily
 Scott Hunter is indisputably the reigning power bottom in gay porn today. With red hot scenes from over a dozen studios, this studly Brit is a clear front runner for Hottest Cock Slut of 2014. (I’m sure Dewitt would agree!) Oh, but Scott’s so much more than just a greedy, cock-hungry bottom who takes getting pounded with gusto. He’s also super humble, a hard worker, and as he told me before the interview, “I’m the type of guy you can take home to your mum, but get me in private, and I’ll wear you out!

Check out our exclusive interview and find out how he prepares for scenes, his thoughts on the tops he’s worked with, and his newest venture The Hunter Diaries (and learn how you can get involved). Then, when you’re done, be sure to visit his Manhunt profile gympigi and send him some love!

 Scott, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us. How’s life treating you these days?

Things are good! I’ve had a brilliant couple of years in an industry I never thought I would last ten minutes in, so I can’t complain. I’ve done well with the companies I work for, and I’ve met some amazing guys along the way. I’ve been busy in the gym, I’ve kept out of trouble (generally), and I’ve been working frantically in all of my jobs. I don’t get much time to myself, but at the end of the day, I have a great house, jobs I enjoy and special people in my life, so I can’t complain.

That’s awesome! How’d you get started in the industry?

Things were great until I recently left my full-time job after successfully getting the offer of two positions within a new company. I chose one and handed in my notice at the previous employer. The day I was supposed to start at the new place, I received a letter which told me they had rescinded the job offer after failing vetting for something that happened 10 years ago which was a mistake. Despite appeal, did they want me? They didn’t want to know, and so I was left unemployed.

Having had some photos taken by photographer Lee Baxter in Delamere Forest, people started to notice me and said I should apply for other jobs. Having always thought I just “blended” into the background, I didn’t hold much hope when I applied to various agencies. I thought I could try my hand at more adult work, so I approached some of the UK porn companies. To my amazement, they all replied and said they were interested.

In a nutshell, that’s it, and here I am trying to make the best of the situation and make things work out so I can invest the time and money into my own business and ventures. It’s thanks to people like you who keep watching and liking what you see that lets me carry on pursuing my ambitions.

 Well you certainly have all the making of a great porn star. Rugged good looks, hard body, and an insatiable appetite for getting fucked!

You think so? Thanks! I never thought guys would like to see me. I see myself as pretty average so for people to enjoy watching me… It’s pretty amazing.

Not to mention Americans are usually slightly dazzled by British accents. But that’s a secret between you and me.

Haha, really? I should speak more! Although to be honest, I’d rather have something in my mouth stopping me from speaking.

As a matter of fact, you speak plenty on your video blog, and you do a really great job of reaching out and communicating with your fans.

I need to actually do a new one of those; I should try and get one done tomorrow.

You also respond to comments that people leave on porn blogs about your scenes! That’s a pretty bold move walking into the lion’s den like that.

Well, I’m fortunate so far. I’ve yet to come across a truly scathing remark about me, and on the off chance I have seen a negative one, I like to speak to the guy to learn what I could do better to appeal to them too.

 I think it’s pretty safe to say you've quickly become the reigning power bottom king of gay porn.

You think? God, I wish that were true! I see so many other guys in the industry doing so well as bottoms, and I wonder what I have that could compete with guys as hot as they are.

You don’t think so? You've been fucked by some of the best tops in the industry! Is there anyone out there you’d love to work with?

LOADS! I have a list! That list is my secret, though whilst its my wish list, it’s always changing and every guy is different. Every top/man/guy I meet is unique, and I don’t want anyone to think I like them more than anyone else. I just like them in other ways. I have been fortunate to work with a couple of guys in my top ten and even one guy in my top five, but I won’t be naming names. That’s amazing to me. I did meet a guy in the US when I worked for COLT, but he doesn't do porn anymore. I wish I had filmed with him!

I have a feeling I know who that one guy in the top five might be, but I’m probably way off.

I also worked with a guy in my top ten who I had fantasized about for years, but when it came to it, he wasn't into me and that was pretty soul destroying to be honest.

Oh no! I’d imagine it’s really important to have that chemistry on set to produce a great scene.

Anyone who watches my scenes will know if the guy is in my wish list, because hopefully, the chemistry is palpable. It’s difficult though. Finding that chemistry is tough; it’s even more tough for it to be reciprocated and to convey that on screen. There’s been a couple of scenes for Men at Play where you can see that, but its not easy to find.

 You've worked for a ton of major studios. I’m surprised no one’s made you an exclusive yet!

Actually, I had a couple of studios talk about it, but the general consensus was that because I have worked for so many studios, it wouldn't be worth me being exclusive. And personally, it would have to be a bloody good deal for me to think about it. I like to have the freedom to choose whether or not to do a scene and to have the ability to work for whichever companies I like to at the time. I don’t think it would be beneficial for me otherwise.

Not to mention you probably wouldn't have such a huge variety of scene partners.

Exactly! Right now, all the major studios seem only to be interested in bareback porn too, which is a bit of a bummer, because I don’t film bareback. It seems they have suddenly only got eyes for that content, and it’s actually proving very difficult to find work in the safe filming of porn. So I’m not sure where things are going right now.

That’s true — bareback sex is steadily coming back as the dominant theme in gay porn. But you’re also starting your own porn site called The Hunter Diaries. Can you tell us more about that?

Well, it’s not so much a ‘company’; it’s more of an insight into my private life. Everyone loves the major studios work — we know that and I know that; that’s why I love filming it. Some of them make incredible productions, almost cinematic pieces, and they look amazing and really show guys off to their best.

Sometimes though, I think it’s nice to see a guy for who he really is, without fancy lighting, expensive sets, costumes, or locations and get to see the guy in his natural setting without makeup or a crew to pamper and look after them. When you get to see a guy as he is naturally, I think there’s something not only voyeuristic about that, but also something incredibly sexy.

Some of the hottest looking guys can suddenly look just like you or me without that perfect lighting, and to me that somehow brings porn closer to you as a viewer. You can imagine yourself being in the situation as though you’ve sat on the floor in front of the sofa that the two guys are having sex on. That’s what I want to produce. I want guys to see me having sex in private without a script and without knowing how things will go or what will happen with just me, a guy, or a couple of guys maybe.

My partner is the cameraman, and we have two cameras — both full HD, so the picture quality will hopefully be good and people will enjoy watching it.

I’m hoping to attract a range of guys to work with me on it; guys off the street, existing porn guys, new actors, and even maybe just anonymous guys who don’t want to be seen somehow with using props or clever camera work.

I’m editing it all myself and the content is developing all the time. Its a very organic project, but it’s something I want feedback on. First though, I need a few scenes to attract interest and to offer guys when they join my site.

Obviously, to do that though, I need volunteers. Right now, I cannot afford to pay guys, but hopefully, that will change in time if the project takes off.

 You hear that guys? One of porn’s top power bottoms wants you to fuck him on camera for free. I expect you’ll have a line of men beating a path to your door.

I may be able to help with travel costs, because I realize some guys will have to travel, but I want guys to have a good time. I want them to meet the real me, I want them to see that my partner and I are good guys, and that we’re great to have fun with and hang around with and hopefully that will lead to some good sex that will end up being caught on film.

I don’t escort, as you may or may not know, but I would have thought that perhaps if I was to, that I could get more than say… £75 for an hour? Surely, it would be worth that to come and spend a few hours or even longer with us.

Uhh, YEAH. You’d be a cheap trick at those prices.

I’m not big headed, but I know guys in the industry who charge a lot more than the price of a train ticket, so to me, it’s a good deal! Hahahaha!

I recently interviewed Christopher Daniels, and in his book Money’s On The Dresser, $300 seemed to be a good base rate, especially for someone as popular as you are. Raise those prices!

I think it would be fun, and like I said, the guy doesn’t have to be identifiable. We can film it in a way that doesn’t give the top away. We can easily work that out, but I have to have the interest there in the first place and hopefully, if it takes off, maybe then we can start traveling around to see guys. Or better yet, pay them for their time too. It’s very organic right now.

I think it’s a bargain… Several hours with me, having great sex (hopefully), getting to know each other, having a break away from the hustle and bustle of your daily lives to come to the Cheshire countryside. Bed, breakfast and a weekend away. Bargain!

 That sounds like a delightful vacation! I see you already have two scenes filmed with trailers on your website. One is with the incredibly hot Alfie Stone.

Yes. Alfie is lovely and an amazing guy too. We had chemistry too, which was great. I’d do it again.

So for any guys out there reading, what do they need to do to get in touch with you for The Hunter Diaries? Any casting requirements?

Well, clearly the guys need to like me first — there’s not much point otherwise.

As for the type of guys I like? I’m open to a variety of guys, or at least I’d like to be. The guy needs to be confident, especially as he will be fucking me on camera. He needs to be sexual and passionate. Preferably, the guy should know what he wants and not be afraid of going for it. The best chemistry for a guy working with me is a guy who can control and dominate, not in an aggressive way necessarily, but in a way where I know that he knows what he wants and he will get it.

Preferably, I like guys to be fit and healthy, and being hung is obviously a bonus for me — but not essential. I’m all about natural attractive guys, and as much as I love a big dick, that’s not always the be all and end all.

In any case, guys should go to my website and apply. That will send their photos and stats to me to look at, and I’ll be able to get in touch with them. I will also then be able to pass their information on to other suitable companies if they would like me to, and if I think they would be good for the other companies. It’s not all about me, you know. I think everyone should be able to give porn a try if they want to. If I can help, I will.

 Great stuff Scott! I think you’ll have some great applicants and turn out some amazing scenes.

I hope so! If I can get the guys to come… It’s convincing them that’s the problem. We have a hard enough time trying to get guys to visit us where we live at the best of times! Trying to get guys to even venture outside of London past the M25 is almost impossible, let alone to get them to fuck me on camera.

A trip to the rustic English countryside to fuck Scott Hunter? That sounds like a dream trip to me! Shifting gears a bit… Let’s talk about bottoming. You’re a natural when it comes to taking dick on camera. What are some tips you’d give for guys that want to bottom (or become better bottoms)?

You know, I’ve never really thought about it. I love taking a cock, and I kind of think it comes naturally; you either can or you can’t. It’s not something you can force. I remember when I first started being fucked — it felt so weird; it felt like all I wanted to do was fart! But then, the feeling becomes almost addictive!

One thing I will say though — and all of my scene partners should be able to vouch for this — I’m very clean. That is, my arse is always clean, and I have a real paranoia almost about being fastidiously clean. I love sex, and I love for it to last for hours (not minutes) and I want my top –  whether it be for work for private — to enjoy it.

 I’m envisioning sparkles coming off of your ass like a freshly waxed floor in a cleaning commercial.

Yes, a lot of guys say ‘shit happens’, but it doesn't have to. I take a lot of time to prepare for a scene, and I have routines which start the day before! I get up hours before I’m needed, and I douche like there’s no tomorrow. Now I know I probably over-douche, but I couldn’t bare to be on set and there be dirt during the filming. I’ve heard so many tops tell me they’ve had dirty moments. Well, not with me they haven’t.

So what I would say is that cleanliness is a BIG thing, at least it is for me. Tops don’t like to stick their dick in a dirty hole either. (Well..not on the porn I make anyway.) I would say eat well, get lots of sleep, douche thoroughly, and on the day, don’t eat. I just eat jelly sweets and drink energy drinks to maintain my blood sugar.

And you do this in your personal life too, right? Impromptu sex might be a bit harder to prep for that much.

Yes, given the chance! It might be harder to prep, but that’s different. If I’m relaxed, and if I’m laying in bed with my man, and he slides his dick in me, that hour long, slow, passionate sex doesn't need such thorough cleaning. However, if you've got two guys coming over plus your man, and you want them all to take turns fucking you for twelve hours, you kind of need to get ready for it.

HOT! Now that’s what the fuck I’m talking about! If anyone’s reading this, you should hit up Scott Hunter on Manhunt and make it happen, Cap’n.

Yes, please! Like I said, there’s a distinct lack of messages anywhere, whether it be Manhunt or any of the other chat apps. I rarely get messages. If I showed you my Manhunt inbox, no messages.


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but guys just don’t message me, let alone the guys who I would go crazy for. I don’t know if it’s my location, my photo, or even whether they don’t believe it’s me. I just don’t know. I get, on average, maybe two messages a day (if that). Even if I message a guy, I rarely get a reply.

Wow. Do you think guys are intimidated?

I don’t know. One guy who did actually come to see me said that he didn’t believe it was me until he kissed me when I let him in the door! So any suggestions on how I can improve my chances, let me know!

I think I’m gonna leave that to the commenters, because I’m gobsmacked at hearing that. I know guys sometimes use fake pictures on those apps, but you’re the real deal. Wild!

They do and I have been made aware of a few fakes, but I do my best to delete them and get them reported. If people find a profile they think is not me, they should report it by contacting me, and I will look into it. Take a screenshot of the profile so I can see it.

 Will do! Now it’s time for the lightning round! I’m going to name some of the tops you've had scenes with, and I want you to give me a brief description about them. Ready?


Tom Wolfe.

Hairy, thick cock, lovely guy, very sexual, passionate, sexually adventurous.

Dirk Caber.

Sexy, rugged, solid, muscular, sexually diverse, brain blowingly-intelligent, aggressive top.

Nice! Tim Kruger.

Huge, amazing cock, really made me feel the stretch, wanted a lot more, amazing cum, into piss, cheeky, sexy smile, sexy boyfriend. Him and his fella are a sexy couple. Addictive.

“Feel the stretch.” I like that.

Yeah, I like a challenge.

 Rogan Richards. That scene with you two for Men at Play… Oh my GOD.

Dream come true, knew exactly how to fuck me, aggressive top, passionate, attentive, masculinity personified. Sexual. Wow.

(Wait ‘till you see the clip we filmed in private round my place!)

Grr! I’m getting hard again thinking about that and that scene!

Trust me, not as hard as I was.

I bet! Damien Crosse.

Very sexy, but I don’t think he was into me as much as I was into him. Professional, friendly, relaxed, talkative, cheeky, beautiful smile.

I love Damien’s voice. And he does have a beautiful smile.

Totally agree.

Harley Everett.

First ever porn scene. I was so intimidated when he walked in and thought ‘oh shit’… But then he was really approachable and very attentive. Massive bell end, biggest pecs I’ve ever seen, amazing ink. Hot, incredible first partner.

He was your first scene partner? Awesome. He does look pretty intimidating with all those tats.

He’s also like two feet taller than me.

Yeah, he’s a big boy! Paddy O’Brian.

Cocky, excitable, fun, bubbly, shy, cheeky, hard cock.

 Lucio Saints.

Wow… Thick and long! Beautiful smile, too. Hot body, endless energy, hard fucker, beautiful dark cock. I love dark cocks — don’t know why, but even a guy with a tanned dick… I love ‘em. One of several reasons why I love Black and Latino men. Thick cum. Tasty.

Yeah, Lucio seems like a LOT of fun! Tyson Tyler.

Cheeky, sly, gorgeous body, sexy guy, great dick, tasty cum.

Drew Brody.

Amazing. Beautiful fat cock and gorgeous skin. The skin on his dick, like Tyson’s, was like silk. I could suck it all day. A lot of fun, considerate of the size of his dick, knew what I wanted, gave it to me how I wanted, and I wanted more.

You like ‘em big and black. You tease!

I do, but like I said, every guy is different. I love different things about different guys, but it’s true., I’m a sucker for Black, Latino, BIG. Even redheads! I love a juicy, fat cock.

 Last one here — Adam Herst.

Sexual, passionate, lovely fat dick, kinky, friendly, easy to be around, joker, open minded, great guy.

I have been very lucky to work with the guys I have. I did once catch a quote from Spencer Reed saying I was one of the guys he most enjoyed working with, and from probably one of the most famous guys at the time, that was amazing to hear! But having worked with the guys I have, its hard to single any out.

I’m lucky to have worked with some guys that I’ve actually kept in touch with and made friends with. There are a few guys I’ve worked with which I’ve not managed to keep in touch with—but I would love to do more with—and it’s safe to say there are not many I didn’t like working with, so I’m lucky all round.

If I don’t mention someone or if I say one guy is hot and not another, that doesn't mean that I don’t think it either. Remember, each guy is unique. I love different aspects and such a wide range of things from guys; it’s impossible to compare.

Looking at that list you mentioned, it’s like, “Wow, they’re famous guys! I’ve worked with those guys, and they have fucked me.” I’m a VERY lucky guy!

Yes sir, you have been fucked by some of the greats.

There’s a lot more work to do though! There are so many I’d like to work with and so much more I’d like to do on camera too.

What sorts of things?

I want to do some group scenes. I want to do more fetish things like piss. I’d love to do some scenes where I eat much more cum than just from one guy. I’d like to do some scenes on location somewhere sunny and hot or in a chalet in the Alps… I don’t know. I want to double fuck on camera, and I’m even thinking about topping too one day! It all depends on if I’m still wanted and around by then!

Oh, I think you will be! Those are some great 2014 goals!

I would, also, as silly as this sounds, like to win some awards. I know its not important, but to me, it would be reinforcement that people like watching me and that what I produce is what they like.

I can see you having a Sally Field moment. “They like me! They really really like me!” It will happen though. I’m speaking that into the universe.

Hahaha! I hope so!

It totally will. Any last words for us, Scott?

Just to everyone, as I always do, thank you! Thank you for the support and I hope to be around for a while yet. Visit my website where you can contact me directly, find out where I am on social media, see juicy stuff and keep in touch! Follow me on Twitter (@scotthunterxxx), find me on Manhunt and, hopefully, I’ll see you soon!

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