Sunday, February 9, 2014

Instagratification: 9 Theater Superhunks Making Social Media Their Bitch

From: Boy Culture
Screw the swimsuit—I wish I were the chlorine!

Andrew Glaszek

This handsome, gifted dancer—a Broadway Baresregular (who plugs the charity tirelessly, sometimes in his underpants) and one of the most famous gingers in all of NYC—has a full dance card lately, including two Web series. In one, Hustling, he is shown off to great advantage...and even gets to act!
But even without the benefit of the third dimension, Andrew shines—he's a favorite model for any number of physique photogs. His personal Instagram (while light on anything truly provocative) never fails to offer click-worthy snaps. He's also super bright, making his Facebook musings and Twitter tidbits must-reads for anyone he approves.

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