Saturday, February 8, 2014

Instagratification: 9 Hotties Dominating Social Media

From: Boy Culture
Mark MacKillop

One of my favorite dancers (how often have I used that phrase on this blog over the years? but I mean it!) has to be Mark, whom I met at a charity event when I bid on the Speedos he was wearing and won. As a gesture purely of goodwill, I returned them to him so he could enjoy them, and we wound up hanging out at another event as well. I can report he is friendly and very witty, but more to the point being made by this post, he is a stunner: Tall, lithe and strikingly handsome, he's a dancing model or a modeling dancer.
Getting a little Chris Isaak meets Jimmy Dean here.

Nothing beats a great pair of legs.
Mark eventually landed a long-running, round-the-world gig in West Side Story, but that didn't keep him apart from his admirers—his Instagram has long featured beautiful, artistic, it's-a-shame-to-call-them selfies from various hotel rooms, and his Facebook ain't too shabby, either. He shows real promise as a photographer, a career that could outlast what looks to be a long-legged career in dance.

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