Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9th is Man Day

Man Day was created in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago. The main purpose of the day is to focus on the health of males. Other aspects of the day include improving gender relations, showing that men can be positive role models, and promoting gender equality.

Over eighty countries celebrate Man Day, but it’s not always been like this. Most countries on the list such as the United States and the United Kingdom have only recently started to promote the day.

If you want to take part in events, look on-line to find one of many groups gathering together to have fun. Most places will have fun events with a “manly” theme, such as wrestling and rodeo bull riding.

Some years, the coordinators of Man Day suggest a secondary theme to be taken into consideration. Although it’s not needed to follow these themes, most countries do as they allow each country to feel as if they’re part of something bigger.

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