Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1st isTake Your Child To The Library Day

Take your child to the library and you will feed their imagination. A love of reading and books starts with pictures, stories and rhymes which even the youngest child can enjoy; and Take Your Child To The Library Day is a great excuse to swing by.

Whatever the age of your child, you will be given a warm welcome. Gone are the days when libraries were dreary silent places patrolled by grumpy staff. There are special areas for children with bright displays, easy to access books and comfortable seating. Nobody will expect your child to remain silent, so relax. Joining is a simple process and the staff are friendly and helpful.

Older children will enjoy using the computers, borrowing DVDs and finding interesting books on hobbies. The staff will even advise on books for homework assignments which is good news for any busy parent.

If you take your child to the library, expect to return frequently as it is a treasure trove for all ages. Priceless.

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