Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1st is American Dental Association - Give Kids A Smile Day

The American Dental Association launched the Give Kids A Smile program nationally in 2003 as a way for dentists across the country to join with others in their community to provide dental services to under served children. The program initially began as a one-day event in February, but has since grown to local and national events year-round. Dentists and other team members volunteer their time, and services, to provide screenings, treatments and education to children throughout the United States. Each year, approximately 450,000 children benefit from more than 1,500 events, all because of the efforts of 40,000 or more annual volunteers.

The ADA's Give Kids A Smile® program enhances the oral health of large numbers of needy children. Give Kids A Smile (GKAS) activities also highlight for policy makers the ongoing challenges that disadvantaged families face in finding dental care. 

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