Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th is Champion Crab Races Day

It was sort of hard to celebrate today because, unfortunately, I'm all out of racing crabs. So instead I looked it up. There was a World Championship Crab Race today in California where crabs raced on a four foot raceway. I guess they eat a ton of crab at these things too. Don't you think that's sort of barbaric? To race them and have this huge celebration for the winner.... and then eat it's family?? I don't know. It sounds pretty heartless if you ask me. Have some respect!

I think it's pretty sad that all people could think of for February 17th is racing crabs. I mean, someone had to have thought of all these holidays, right? Were they just sitting around thinking, "Hm... February 17th... We already have International Polar Bear Day, what else is there? How about crab racing!" I mean, how random can you get?? But I guess some people really care about racing crabs. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against crab racing. Nothing sounds more thrilling than watching a crustacean shuffling down a track. I'm going to have to see that sometime.

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