Thursday, February 27, 2014

2014 Outsports Swimsuit Issue

Two can play that game, Sports Illustrated. Here is Outsports' take on the "swimsuit" genre.

French Olympic biathlete Simon Fourcade
It's bitterly cold again in many part of the U.S., so why not warm up with a look at the 2014 Outsports swimsuit edition. If your tastes run the other way, you can always check out the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. We don't have the resources to go all out like Sports Illustrated (our definition of "swimsuit" is quite broad), but all our featured "models" are actual athletes.

English Diver Tom Daley
 Our cover this year is French Olympic biathlete Simon Fourcade, who has an amazing body. The photo was taken by Austrian photographer Christian Maislinger, who was nice enough to let us use it. Simon's brother Martin is also a biathlete and he won two golds and a silver in Sochi. Alas, we have nothing of Martin in a swimsuit, boardshorts or whatever, so Simon will have to suffice.

Chinese Diver He Chao
 Among the most-known athletes are diver Tom Daley and soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo.

Croatian Water Polo Player Luka Bukić
Croatian Water Polo Player

Foorball Player D.L. Moore

Portuguese Soccer Player Cristiano Ronaldo

Gymnast Jake Dalton
Iranian Bodybuilder Mahdi Zatparvar Haghi

Australian Swimmer Ashley Delaney

Mexican Diver Jahir Ocampo

Chinese Diver Sun Zhiyi

French Mixed Martial Artist
Francis Carmont

Australian Rugby Players Kurtley Beale & Drew Mitchell

Swiss Cross-Country Skier Dario Cologna

Serbian Tennis Player Novak Djokovic
Asian Bodybuilder

French Swimmer Frédérick Bousquet

Georgia Football Fans

Swimmwer Matt Grevers
Aussie Rules Football Player Josh Kennedy

Aussie Rules Football Players Luke Ball and Quinten Lynch 

Mixed Martial Artist  Sylvain Potard

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