Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The 15 “Hottest” Male Celebrities, According To Straight Guys

From: Buzz Feed
The man who plays Bones on the new Star Trek” (Karl Urban)

Can I choose the man who plays Bones in the new Star Trek? I don’t know if he is a top celebrity but he must be pretty well-known since that is quite a popular movie. If so, I would like to say that the man who plays Bones in the new Star Trek is very handsome and I don’t understand why everyone is swooning over weird-faced Benedict Cumberbatch when the man who plays Bones in Star Trek was also in that very same film and clearly stole the show in terms of handsomeness. I cannot, unfortunately, pinpoint the particular features that lead me to believe that the man who plays Bones in Star Trek is a handsome man, but I am certain that it is the case.” —Jack (34, New York)

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