Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sound The Alarm! Ricky Martin’s Single — 5 Men Who Should Shake His Bon Bon

From: Queerty
Perez Hilton
I dunno, they’re both dads. That’s something, right? Maybe Ricky can just ignore all those years of gay-baiting on Perez’s behalf and Perez can take a note from Ricky on how to take a shirtless family portrait that won’t haunt people for all eternity.
Now there’s no edict that says Ricky has to date a fellow celeb so there’s potentially hope for anyone. But since it’s not every day that a sexy, Latino pop star and noted DILF – bachelors don’t get more eligible than that — is on the market, so for the especially thirsty lads out there: let’s keep it civil.

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