Thursday, January 16, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily
We have all, at some point or another, dealt with a suspicious individual who uses stolen pics to lure in unsuspecting suitors. While it’s not impossible for someone like, say, Colby Keller to be on Manhunt—we all have needs, after all—you have every right to ask for proof before meeting up. Find out Colby’s thoughts on this matter in part one of this series, then move on over to part two for more helpful information.

In a perfect world, there would be no lies in the world of online dating and hook-ups. People would be honest about their penis size and relationship status. They wouldn’t say that they’re looking for something, when they’re really on the hunt for something else… And most importantly? They’d use recent pictures of themselves in their Manhunt profiles.

Note the emphasis on “themselves”.

As we’ve all learned by now, the world isn’t exactly perfect! There will always be fakers who slip past the Manhunt Serviceman and wind up on your computer screen, and luckily, there are a few small steps you can take to avoid being duped by their shady antics.

While I would love to tell you about the second edition of Colby Keller‘s two-part “How To Spot & Deal With Fakers” series, I am far too distracted by the sight of his nipples. I mean, how are we supposed to concentrate on Colby’s awesome advice when his sexual prowess isn’t concealed under a zany-but-lovable tank top? It’s scientifically proven that listening to words can be 500% more difficult when Colby Keller’s nipples enter the equation.

If you’re able to look past this shirtless glory, be sure to take in Colby’s latest advice about dealing with fake profiles on Manhunt!

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