Thursday, January 16, 2014


From:  Manhunt Daily
"The question is simple here—how do you feel about wrestling in an erotic context? Does that level of aggression turn you on or make you want to run for the door?

My lone experience with this was a good one. I had a fuck buddy who’d regularly strip down to his jockstrap and position himself stomach-down on his bed. He’d leave his door unlocked, and I’d quietly come in, slip off my sneakers and start worshiping his meaty cheeks. He’d let this go on for a few minutes, and then it was like someone flipped a switch.

He would pull his cock out and start fucking my throat, and with all this forcefulness, the adrenaline would kick in on both ends. I’d retaliate, pinning him down and nearly gagging him with my cock. He’d push back and sit on my face, nearly suffocating me with his ass cheeks… And, holy shit, I was in heaven like that.

While this is far from traditional wrestling, it’s the closest I’ve got to a personal story. If you’ve got an experience to share, whether it’s positive or negative, leave a comment and tell us all the juicy details. I know I can’t be the only person who’s done some wrasslin’ in the bedroom!"

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