Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dale DaBone & Dillan Lauren - Playgirl - Winter 2014

 Dale DaBone aka Dale Rutter

Dale DaBone (born January 8, 1972) is an American pornographic actor, director, musician, stunt rider and spokes model. He has appeared in more than 1500 adult movies

 DaBone was born and mostly raised in North Carolina. He started in the adult film industry in 1998, when he began shooting for amateur productions. His performance in one of those films, Carolina Girls, was considered his breakthrough achievement by many, leading to his discovery by West Coast porn producers. Shortly after, he moved to Los Angeles, California, to pursue a professional career.

DaBone's first appearance in a major pornographic film was in Taboo of Tarot in 1999.

DaBone dated Jennifer Capriati from 2003-2009. DaBone had stepped away from the industry in 2003 and traveled the world coaching tennis, doing stunts, and playing music. He has drummed for bands such as Outland, Native Soul, Nailhole, Novacaine, 4pley and Gangbang.  He has also done stunts with Team No Limit and Adrenalincrew.

DaBone returned to the adult industry after his relationship with Capriati ended. He is currently a spokesperson for Raw-Nation and Hot Rawks.

Dale Rutter
42 years old 
Miami, Florida, US

About me

I've pretty much been in entertainment for a long while, and have done just about every TV show while in Los I'm just seeing if I have a few miles left in the tank;) right now I'm still playing drums for the band 4PLAY, doing motorcycle stunt work and coaching tennis....thinking about getting back into acting and hit some shows in Cali again....who knows, maybe even do some more modeling here in Miami......take care

Over 500 movies ranging from Warner Bros, to HBO, and everything between! I also did all motorcycle stunts in Torque and Biker Boyz.....GQ, Maxim, Details, Muscle and Fitness, and many more magazines along the way......if you wanna see my full profile complete with bio, pics, and videos go visit my main website....








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