Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1st is Robinson Crusoe Day

February 1 is Robinson Crusoe Day. The holiday memorializes the rescue of real life Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk who was the inspiration for Daniel Defoe’s classic novel. Students of all ages can use the resources below to enjoy the exciting adventures of Robinson Crusoe as he survives life on his island. The site Main Lesson has provided free, online books that feature simpler words for younger children to enjoy the story as well.

Alexander Selkirk was rescued from the island Juan Fernandez on Feb. 1, 1709, thus, marking the day. In addition to the resources below, students may use Robinson Crusoe day as a writing prompt. After a thorough discussion and introduction to the classic story, students may write their own stories based upon their imagined adventures should they find themselves stranded on an island.

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