Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Most Realistic Gay Sex Scenes In Film

Readers Picks
From: Queerty

An honest and unflinching portrait of an affair that promises to be much more, Andrew Haigh’s 2011 British romantic drama is equal parts sexy and heartbreaking.

Comment:Had one of the most emotionally resonant sex scenes I think I’ve ever seen in a movie and probably one of the few to show that anal sex can be loving and not just pounding, not that there’s anything wrong with pounding.” — submitted by zaneymcbanes

The Most Realistic Gay Sex Scenes In Film

From:  Queerty

Not exactly penetration, Clive Owen and his lover bring each other to climax while not touching each other at all.The two stand side by side, never look at or touch each other and reach silent climax. We don’t give it enough justice. Just watch the scene for yourself and imagine the rest.

Question of the Day....

What do the holidays mean to you? 
Do you celebrate differently now at this point in your life vs. say 5-10 years ago or exactly the same? Do you have a tradition that you are willing to share with us?

Queerism - BOBFOC

From:  Queer Click
acronym: Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch. A person who possesses a killer body but has a face that only a mother could love. (Baywatch having people with great bodies and Crimewatch, a British TV program, which tells of real committed crimes and shows pictures of the criminals).

QQ Magazine - December 1977

QQ''s Man Of The Month
Danny Levitt
by Kensington Road


Nude Boyfriend Of The Week

From:  Queer Click
 Sorry, we're taken. That's the answer we give when asked about our sentimental status as this week Nude Boyfriend of the Week position has been occupied by this 21-year-old straight helicopter mechanic from Cherry Point, NC.

That photo of him polishing his rifle, and then being able to see his cock so up close (check out those fresh shoots of pubes sprouting!) - priceless!

Pulp Fiction

Good Night Gentle' Goy by Aaron Tomas

Photographing Scruff

From:  OUT
"Adam had the idea of climbing onto the building next to my house for his shoot," Girard says of this shoot with the bearded musician.

Levi Leipheimer - Save The Seals

Levi Leipheimer (born October 24, 1973) is an American former professional road racing cyclist. He was twice US national champion, winning the time trial title in 1999 and the road race in 2007, and is an Olympic medalist. Leipheimer was born and raised in Butte, Montana and resides in Santa Rosa, California with his Canadian wife Odessa Gunn. He promotes the widely-attended King Ridge granfondo, a mass participation ride in Sonoma County.
Leipheimer's major career accomplishments include winning the 2007, 2008 and 2009 editions of the Tour of California, the 2011 Tour de Suisse and the 2011 USA Pro Cycling Challenge. His Grand Tour results include 2nd in the 2008 Vuelta a España, 3rd in the 2001 Vuelta a España, 5th in the 2009 Giro d'Italia and four top-10 finishes in the Tour de France, including 3rd overall in 2007. Leipheimer won the bronze medal in the time trial at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.
The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) announced in October 2012 that Leipheimer would be suspended for his involvement in doping while riding for Saturn, U.S. Postal Service, Rabobank, Gerolsteiner and Astana. Leipheimer incriminated his former teammate Lance Armstrong and then accepted a 6-month ban from September 1, 2012 to March 1, 2013 and was stripped of all race results from June 1, 1999 to July 30, 2006, and July 7 to July 29, 2007. Leipheimer committed a previous doping violation in 1996.
In May 2013, Leipheimer confirmed his involuntary retirement from professional cycling. His contract with Omega Pharma-Quickstep was terminated in 2012 after he admitted to blood doping, and he could not find a new team.

Parr of Arizona

December 1954 VIM magazine.
In 1954 twenty six year old Ralph Paracheck needed money to put himself through architectural school (he went on to become a fairly well known architect of homes in the Phoenix area). Born in Toledo, Ohio he moved west to go to school. He came up with the idea to sell swimsuits by mail order. His first swimsuit made out of white and red checkered tablecloths (which he got from J.C. Penny) that were cut tight and short light basketball shorts were an instant huge hit. He decided to expand, he came up with a catalog selling menswear and hired some women to come work in his kitchen making the clothes. His home mail-order business was so successful that by 1959 he opened up his first shop. What made Parr of Arizona so successful was that at a time in the 1950s when clothing for men was conservative, Parachek offered an alternative of body hugging clothes and see through bikinis. A definite gay sensibility brought to men's clothing and from the start the community was one of the biggest buyers of his clothes.

Celebrating Today:

Happy Birthday To: 

 Actor Kenneth Branagh turns 53. 


 Fame singer and actress Nia Peeples turns 52

 The 4400 hottie Patrick Flueger turns 30

Nine Notable Bisexual Men

From:  Queerty
Billy Joe Armstrong
Billy Joe Armstrong shocked more than a few rock fans in an interview with The Advocate in 1995. ”I think I’ve always been bisexual,” the Green Day singer courageously said. ”I mean, it’s something that I’ve always been interested in. I think people are born bisexual, and it’s just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of ‘Oh, I can’t.’ They say it’s taboo. It’s ingrained in our heads that it’s bad, when it’s not bad at all. It’s a very beautiful thing.

Favorite Birthday Boy for Dec 10th

Matthew Bates
From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 English professional football player Matthew Bates, who had an embarrassing photo scandal in 2006 turns 27 today.

 Matthew David Bates (born 10 December 1986) is an English professional footballer who plays for Bradford City and has previously played for Bristol City, Darlington, Ipswich Town, Norwich City and Middlesbrough. He plays in central defence, however is equally adept at playing at right back or in defensive midfield.

Bates hit the tabloid headlines in September 2006 when private photographs of him were posted on the internet, one of which showed him wearing a pair of skimpy briefs, another kneeling in front of a mirror, naked apart from a pair of socks, with his penis semi-erect. It is understood that he had taken the pictures himself over a period of months for the benefit of his then girlfriend. Bates started dating Chanelle Hayes in 2009, though they split in 2010. She is the mother of his only child, Blakely Hayes-Bates, born July 2010.


Nine Gayest Moments Of James Franco’s Career

From:  Queerty
There’s nothing quite like a creamy shot to the face to prove your unwavering gayness, but in the case of James Franco v. Gay Rumors, a facial for the sake of comedy is the furthest thing from a smoking gun.
This man is probably the only celebrity who can wish he were gay, confirm that he is gay, build his career on a foundation of utter gayness, and still be considered a darling heterosexual in the eyes of the media. Is it magic? No, it’s the future!
The fact of the matter is that James Franco is not gay. He’s not straight, either. James Franco just IS. He represents a new-age hipster ideal—free of sexual boundaries—and so long as he keeps spreading that unabashed openness to his industry pals, I’m totally cool with it.
Here are the nine gayest moments of James Franco’s career:

Let’s just go ahead and start with the whole Batmilk photo series posted to Instagram this week, which ended with a load of special sauce on James’ face. Surely an artist like James Franco wouldn’t use fake splooge for a High art multimedia project like this! Who does it belong to?

Favorite Male Model for December 10, 2007

Wyatt Routson
From:  Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Man, this cute red head is hot! Wyatt Routson is fairly new to the business, but hopefully we will be seeing a lot more of him