Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nine Gayest Moments Of James Franco’s Career

From:  Queerty
There’s nothing quite like a creamy shot to the face to prove your unwavering gayness, but in the case of James Franco v. Gay Rumors, a facial for the sake of comedy is the furthest thing from a smoking gun.
This man is probably the only celebrity who can wish he were gay, confirm that he is gay, build his career on a foundation of utter gayness, and still be considered a darling heterosexual in the eyes of the media. Is it magic? No, it’s the future!
The fact of the matter is that James Franco is not gay. He’s not straight, either. James Franco just IS. He represents a new-age hipster ideal—free of sexual boundaries—and so long as he keeps spreading that unabashed openness to his industry pals, I’m totally cool with it.
Here are the nine gayest moments of James Franco’s career:

Let’s just go ahead and start with the whole Batmilk photo series posted to Instagram this week, which ended with a load of special sauce on James’ face. Surely an artist like James Franco wouldn’t use fake splooge for a High art multimedia project like this! Who does it belong to?

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