Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Your Nightly Briefing

From:  Boy Culture
 Hot new stuff by Vaughn Stewart of Darius Goodworth in FU e=fu8 Underwear. 

Joe Jonas

Last week, Nick Jonas set the Internet on fire with his post-workout Instagram pic. Naturally, the photo went viral. I mean c’mon… WOOF. Given the attention the youngest Jonas Brother received, it only makes sense that Joe take a stab at it as well. Such middle child syndrome ;)

While Nick’s shirtless photo was to put light on healthy living as a diabetic (yeah right narcissist LOL), I’m not sure if Joe’s photo has a purpose. Perhaps to shed light on neutering pets or something SPCA-related given his canine co-star? Maybe there’s no hidden agenda at all, but merely an attempt to increase his viral chances. Who doesn’t love a snaggletooth doggie?

24 Sexual Experiences That Every Gay Man Should Have. At Least Once!

From: OSEntendidos (Link in Portuguese.)
He liked to make 3? 

A Complete Breakdown of the Nutritional Content of Semen

From:  Jezebel
 To swallow or not to swallow: that is the question. You can only really answer it for yourself, but we aim to help you make that decision an informed one. Here, we list every property found in an average splooge—protein, carbs, fat, cholesterol, etc.—and analyze what it means for you to ingest it in terms of recommended daily allowances.

The real truth is that the nutritional composition of semen is extremely subjective and varies depending on a man's age and diet. The numbers that follow are rough averages based on a study of the physical and chemical properties of semen—published in a 2005 issue of the Journal of Andrology—that looked at a half-century's worth of research and semen samples. (Additionally, we've referenced material published in The RE/Search Guide to Bodily Fluids.)

There's a lot of misinformation out there about the composition of ejaculate, particularly regarding how many calories are in a typical serving of man milk—which just so happens to be one of the more common inquiries about spunk. A Google search of "semen calories" returns over 1.2 million results. Answers vary widely, but most sources peg it somewhere between 5 - 25 calories per serving.

However, a typical ejaculation—with an average volume of 3.4 ml—contains less than 1 calorie. Just like Diet Coke! This calorie count of semen was calculated using the "4-4-9" formula of macronutrients (in which there's 4 calories per gram of protein, 4 calories per gram of carbs, and 9 calories per gram of fat).

And while human semen has a great protein/carb/fat ratio that would allow it to fit into many diets like Atkins, Paleo, or Elimination, it's not exactly as protein packed as some would have you think. AskMen (of course) claims that one load of jizz has about as much protein as an egg white. But you'd actually have to drink nearly 4 oz (a half cup) of semen to match the protein of one egg white. That's a lot of blow jobs. Do you really hate cooking that much?

Another rumor is that there is as much vitamin C in human semen as in an orange. That is the kind of bullshit that somebody comes up with when he's talking out of his ass and thinking with his dick. It is completely untrue.

Semen does have an awful lot of zinc in it (3% of U.S. RDA), which is believed to be an antioxidant and slows down the aging process of skin and muscles. So there's that. It's something that's probably already in your multivitamin, though.

22 Russians Who We Won’t Let Vladimir Putin Forget Were Gay

From:  Advocate
Nikolai Gogol 
Gogol is a Ukrainian-born Russian humorist, dramatist, and novelist, whose novel Dead Souls, and whose short story “The Overcoat,” are considered the foundations of the great 19th-century tradition of Russian realism. In The Sexual Labyrinth of Nikolai Gogol, author Simon Karlinsky posits that Gogol's "emotional orientation" was homosexual, and that understanding that is the key to much of his work. (Sources: New York Review of Books, Wikipedia)

Your Hunk of the Day: Tommy DiDario

Tommy DiDario from Innovative Artists, Bella Models by Leon Le

21 Biggest Dickheads in Sports: 2013 Edition

From:  OUT
Jesús Fernández Sáenz (a.k.a. Suso)
Katy Perry used “gay” in a derogatory sense and it launched her career. Liverpool FC midfielder Jesús Fernández Sáenz does it and gets hit with a £10,000 ($15K) fine. Moral of the story: if you’re gonna be bigot, do it to a catchy beat. He posted a photo of his teammate Jose Enrique with the comment “What fuck is he doing? This guy is gay… he does everything except play football.” Suso apologized and Enrique tweeted: "Is amazing how FA can fine my friend Suso Fernandez for a banter thing. Was just a joke!!!''

Purple Heart Day - August 7

Wednesday, August 7 marks National Purple Heart Day - a day to honor men and women wounded or killed in military combat.

George Bartell was an Army Aircorp Tech Sergeant in World War II in 1944 when he was captured and held for nearly 13 months as a prisoner of war.  While Reverend Enos Garvin and Jerry T. Walker fought in Vietnam in the mid to late sixties. All three of these men, barely in their 20′s at the time, were wounded while fighting for their country. Yet even after all of the pain and suffering these men endured, they do not want to be called heroes.

We got some barley and dehydrated vegetable soup with the bugs in it and all, but what could we do? We had to survive and that was it,” Bartell says.

Walker says, “The only heroes are the dead heroes. Those are the ones I cherish - the ones who never got to come home.

The Purple Heart was created on August 7, 1782 by General George Washington to honor those wounded or killed in action by the enemy combat.

19 Breathtaking Things Tom Daley Did At The Diving World Championships

From:  Buzz Feed
He stretched his abs and showed them to all of Spain and Spain was like, “Sí. Sí, muy bueno.”


Photography by Matteo Mena
Our month of featuring submissions that didn't make it into the calendar continues… Endearing Mateo in Milan, Italy found making this calendar photo in the same location where rough and tough workers sweat in their tank tops all day to be super hot. Us too! He loves factory-man situations: the tools, the relentless grind of their routine, etc. Unfortunately, we found the inclusion of the 2012 calendar just a bit too ‘meta’ for 2014, so we left this one out.

17 Gay Superhero Power Couples

From:  OUT
Mikaal Tomas & Tony
One of the sadder love stories here, Mikaal and Tony, who first came together in the late 1980s, defied the odds and got back together after alien and former Starman star Mikaal went missing, developed amnesia and forgot how to speak English. Then, when they were at their happiest, Tony was killed by super villains.

The 18 Countries Where You Can Now (Or Soon) Get Hitched

From: Queerty
New Zealand
Top cities: Auckland, Wellington
Becomes law in: August 2013
Number of married gay couples: none yet
In August, New Zealand will become the first country in Oceania to sanction same-sex marriages. New Zealand’s House of Representatives passed the bill in April, despite the Conservative Party leader calling it a “failure of democracy.”

13 Identical Twins

From:  The Backlot
Evan and Jaron
Evan Mitchell Lowenstein and Jaron David Lowenstein (born March 18, 1974) are American musicians and identical twin brothers who performed as Evan and Jaron. Evan and Jaron have recorded three studio albums and charted three singles on the Pop Songs charts. The duo's highest-peaking single is "Crazy for This Girl," which peaked at #15 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2000.

Landon Conway - College Dudes

5.10 (178cm)
160 (73 kg)
6.0 (15cm)
10 US (44 EU)
 "Landon Conway is a nice kid from the country.
We love guys like him!" -- College Dudes

Mumford & Sons get Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman and more to spoof them in 'Hopeless Wanderer' video

 Mumford & Sons have got a sense of humor after all … is what you’re supposed to think after watching the video for “Hopeless Wanderer.”
The professional white funnymen Jason Sudeikis, Jason Bateman, Ed Helms and Wil Forte stand in for the band, wearing suspenders and fake beards, hauling their instruments down a dusty lane, playing in a row boat, crying, tasting each other’s tears, and eventually smashing their instruments and at least one of the filament bulbs lighting the barn they’re in.
Because you can’t make a parody these days without taking it over the top, Sudeikis and Forte also share an open-mouthed kiss.
I was more tickled by the smoke coming off Bateman’s hands during his banjo solo. Although the kiss seems less rote when you think of it as underlining the song’s vague references to a young man’s romantic confusion (key line: ”I wrestled long with my youth,” snicker).
Ultimately, though, the clip’s just gently ribbing the band itself, that troupe of inexplicably literal old-timey-folk obsessives.
This is good stuff, make no mistake. But you have to wonder: Why are we letting stars mitigate their own overseriousness now? Shouldn’t we at least make them come on Saturday Night Live and read the cue cards the comedy writers come up with? Or should we just be happy that Mumford & Sons feel compelled to acknowledge their own silliness?


From:  Gay Porn Blog
The Soloflex Commercial
If I had not been afraid of baseballs and most things sports related, I might have been able to argue to my parents that I was ordering the brochure to become manly. But instead of going out for peewee football, I was home watching General Hospital, so I just settled for finding programs where they showed the commercial, and taping them.

Daily Packages

Jarrod Scott in Calvin Klein
Jarrod Scott is no stranger to modeling a pair of Calvin Klein briefs and apparently he’s no stranger to partially wearing them. In a photo series with photographer Joseph Lally entitled “Character Study,” Scott sweats it out in what seems to be a home office. We guess to each his own when it comes down to business wear. 

10 Celebs Who Should Be Underwear Models

From:  The Underwear Expert
Soap stud Colin Egglesfield has done his fair share of modeling, but we wouldn't mind a full-on underwear campaign. 

Nude Boyfriend of the Week

From:  Queer Click
 How do you feel about some str8 meat? Because this week candidate has all the requirements to fill the BF of the Week position. Hard muscles, hard cock, a nice attitude in front of the camera. And his GF doesn't seem to be the jealous type or so he we hope...


From:  Manhunt Daily
No, really, he posed for Playgirl
They didn't just throw him on the cover! Thicke stripped down completely, and as one person on Tumblr put it, showed us that smile again. This is Jason Seaver like you’ve never seen him before. Neither his real-life son (Robin Thicke) nor his TV son (Kirk Cameron) have ever showed this much skin.


From:  Gay Porn Blog
Benjamin Bradley: Slave turned inventor
Lily-white porn star Benjamin Bradley is definitely not the Benjamin Bradley who was born a slave in Maryland in 1830. At age 16, the young prodigy built the first steam-powered war ship out of scrap metal, and although he unable to patent it due to laws which prohibited slaves from registering patents, he was able to use the proceeds to pay his slave master to make himself a free man.

Dish of the Day #1214: Out in the Park Week

Since this week's Dishes are enjoying a day in the park, I thought it would be the perfect time to promote Out in the Park at Six Flags Great America, the upcoming LGBT event and fundraiser presented by and Mini Cooper of Chicago. On Saturday, September 14, 2013, from 8pm - 1am, the park will be closed to the general public for this exclusive private event that will help benefit Chicago House. Guests will enjoy the music of DJ Matthew Harvat as well as three live performances by Isaiah Grass, Jess Godwin and Eli Lieb. 

Tickets are $38 (which includes free parking) - and you can purchase them at

Today's Dish is Pierre Vuala by photographer David Vance. 

Pierre Vuala
23 years old 
Miami, Florida, US
Mayhem #1263055

About me
Hey professional and creative model. Looking to create original and eye catching images. If you would like to shoot plz contact me with RATE and CONCEPT and we can go on from there. DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR NUDES. Thank you

10 best 'Sesame Street' musical guests

From:  Today/Entertainment
Paul Simon
In this early clip, a young-ish Paul Simon sits on the Street's famous front stoop to perform the samba-inflected "Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard," one of the biggest hits from his second solo album, "Paul Simon." With its simple chord progression and bevy of amusing lyrics ("The Mama pajama rolled outta bed. . ."), the track sounds like it was tailor made to perform on a children's television show. Watching the child actors sing along to Simon's strumming doesn't hurt, either.

Dish of the Day #1213: Out in the Park Week

Since this week's Dishes are enjoying a day in the park, I thought it would be the perfect time to promote Out in the Park at Six Flags Great America, the upcoming LGBT event and fundraiser presented by and Mini Cooper of Chicago. On Saturday, September 14, 2013, from 8pm - 1am, the park will be closed to the general public for this exclusive private event that will help benefit Chicago House. Guests will enjoy the music of DJ Matthew Harvat as well as three live performances by Isaiah Grass, Jess Godwin and Eli Lieb. 

Tickets are $38 (which includes free parking) - and you can purchase them at 

10 Accidental Funny Logos

From: Sopitas
Basic Lesson for the designers of logos: the source of the letters does matter. This shop could have housed hundreds of buyers eager to find something that did not sell there.

Dish of the Day #1212: Out in the Park Week

 Since this week's Dishes are enjoying a day in the park, I thought it would be the perfect time to promote Out in the Park at Six Flags Great America, the upcoming LGBT event and fundraiser presented by and Mini Cooper of Chicago. On Saturday, September 14, 2013, from 8pm - 1am, the park will be closed to the general public for this exclusive private event that will help benefit Chicago House. Guests will enjoy
the music of DJ Matthew Harvat as well as three live performances by Isaiah Grass, Jess Godwin and Eli Lieb. 

Tickets are $38 (which includes free parking) - and you can purchase them at 

Fur and Gold

 A Man Wash Will Bring All the Men to Boston’s Rad Party
August 9, 2013
Bringing together Queers, Music, and Art together for everyone
Host Sean Johnson invites you to dance, drink, and have a great time with DJ Brent Covington & DJ Taffy spinning Indie Rock/Pop/Dance, Post-Punk, ’80s, Britpop, Underground, New Wave, Electro, & Euro Hits.

A night at the Alley for Art Fags, Hipsters, Geeks, the Music Obsessed and all. Exploring the alternative side of the Boston Gay Nightlife scene with a new twist for a new generation. Enjoy Visual Entertainment (Music videos, Artist Works), Snacks and Cheap Drinks.

Bring your friends and spread the word.

10pm – 2am
$$No Cover$$

For more info: