Wednesday, August 7, 2013

21 Biggest Dickheads in Sports: 2013 Edition

From:  OUT
Jesús Fernández Sáenz (a.k.a. Suso)
Katy Perry used “gay” in a derogatory sense and it launched her career. Liverpool FC midfielder Jesús Fernández Sáenz does it and gets hit with a £10,000 ($15K) fine. Moral of the story: if you’re gonna be bigot, do it to a catchy beat. He posted a photo of his teammate Jose Enrique with the comment “What fuck is he doing? This guy is gay… he does everything except play football.” Suso apologized and Enrique tweeted: "Is amazing how FA can fine my friend Suso Fernandez for a banter thing. Was just a joke!!!''

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