Monday, June 17, 2013

Your Nightly Briefing

 June is Pride Month, and as major cities everywhere show off their pride with parades, parties, and celebrations, the Supreme Court is getting ready to conclude on two cases that could have a lasting effect on the gay rights movement.

Obviously, we've come a long way since the Stonewall riots that occurred in June of 1969. Back then, the words "pride" and "gay" were practically opposites, and being openly gay came hand-in-hand with social ostracism. Now we have openly gay lawyers, doctors, teachers and even elected officials. Oh, and openly gay underwear models! We can't forget about them.

To pay tribute to the brave young men who aren't afraid to bare their insides as well as outsides, we've assembled a gallery of openly gay underwear models. Some act, some advocate, some play sports, but all of them look great in a pair of low-cut briefs (scroll over each image to see their names). Make sure to take a
good look at all of the guys and remember to show your pride this month and every month.

18 Reasons Why Henry Cavill is the Sexiest Superman Yet

 To celebrate the release of the latest version of the Superman saga, Man of Steel, we offer up 18 sexy arguments why Henry Cavill is the sexiest Clark Kent of them all.
Happy ogling,

 Because he totally has that "million miles away stare" down pat...

Because he cleans up REAL good...

Because he does the heavy lifting...

Because he knows how to rock the "casual Sunday" look...

Because he can work a Medieval hairstyle like no one else...

Because he's not concerned about the elements...

Because, that bone structure...

Because he makes crucifixion, or whatever is happening here, look very appealing...

Because you can pretend he's not wearing any pants in this pic...

Because he can plunge his sword into me anytime...

Because ditto with his spear...

Because not even G-forces affect that beautiful mug...

Because his cleavage is furrier than everyone else's...

Because he even makes the grisled laundry hanger look work...

Because even chain mail can't hide what he's working with underneath...

Because he can wear the HELL out of a white shirt...

Because even when he looks worried he's still somehow commanding...

Some things don't require an explanation...

5 Professional Baseball Players Modeling Underwear

Jim Palmer, Baltimore Orioles (Retired)
 Athletes modeling underwear is not a new trend. Hello, David Beckham. But now that Washington Nationals breakout athlete, Bryce Harper, is modeling underwear, we thought we’d look back on the (short) history of baseball players who have dropped their pants. Seriously, it’s a short list. With so many fine legs (and rears) in the sport, we’re surprised more haven’t been recruited to bare all.

Bryce Harper, Washington Nationals

Lee Taek-Keun, Nexen Heroes (Korea)

Yu Darvish, Texas Rangers

Russell Martin, Pittsburgh Pirates

Bonus: Matt Kemp, Los Angeles Dodgers*
*Not so much an underwear model as just super sexy
in this photo shoot for Flaunt magazine


Nude Boyfriend of the Week

From: Queer Click
We need to thank the Army for their constant supply of horse-hung hotties. This week we submit for your consideration a man of action as our next Nude Boyfriend of The Week with a weapon of mass destruction between his legs. Don't let the cute face fool you, this sex-driven army man will have no mercy of your hole. Just check the tattooed dragon running down his tummy and then continue south for the other dragon he has!

5 Billboards with Hilarious Spelling Errors

 There are some places in life where you
really never want a typo. Your resume, your birth certificate, your
medicine prescriptions. But potentially the worst of all could be
when you business buys a huge, expensive billboard. Read on for some
of the best typos ever.
How Ironic
Ah, yes. Don't you love that argument? “If you don't know how to speak English, git outta muh country!” Well, if you want people to learn English, stop giving me four hundred language options whenever I call an automated answering service, like my cable company or the DMV.

Anyway, as you can see, these tards misspelled the word “exceptions.” I guess if there are “no excetions” then Mayor Chester Stranczek needs to sign up for some remedial English classes.

 The Alcoholics Won't Notice
How much do you want to bet that the person who designed this billboard was drunk when he did it? Maybe if he had waited to start guzzling beers until Miller Time he would have spelled the word “contradiction” correctly.
 Sounds About Right
It doesn't get any better than this. Good job, American public school system. That being said, I'd love to visit an all-girl's “pubic” school.
 How Do People Still Get This One Wrong
For grammar Nazis, this is about as big of an offense as someone can make. “You're” is what this sign should say.
J.C. Doesn't Mind a Little Ink
In one of those hilarious, “Hey, let's try and talk 'cool' to appeal to the kids” moments, some silly church misspelled the word “tattoos”. For the record, Jesus doesn't care if you have tattoos, but he will send you to hell for making stupid typos.