Monday, June 17, 2013

5 Billboards with Hilarious Spelling Errors

 There are some places in life where you
really never want a typo. Your resume, your birth certificate, your
medicine prescriptions. But potentially the worst of all could be
when you business buys a huge, expensive billboard. Read on for some
of the best typos ever.
How Ironic
Ah, yes. Don't you love that argument? “If you don't know how to speak English, git outta muh country!” Well, if you want people to learn English, stop giving me four hundred language options whenever I call an automated answering service, like my cable company or the DMV.

Anyway, as you can see, these tards misspelled the word “exceptions.” I guess if there are “no excetions” then Mayor Chester Stranczek needs to sign up for some remedial English classes.

 The Alcoholics Won't Notice
How much do you want to bet that the person who designed this billboard was drunk when he did it? Maybe if he had waited to start guzzling beers until Miller Time he would have spelled the word “contradiction” correctly.
 Sounds About Right
It doesn't get any better than this. Good job, American public school system. That being said, I'd love to visit an all-girl's “pubic” school.
 How Do People Still Get This One Wrong
For grammar Nazis, this is about as big of an offense as someone can make. “You're” is what this sign should say.
J.C. Doesn't Mind a Little Ink
In one of those hilarious, “Hey, let's try and talk 'cool' to appeal to the kids” moments, some silly church misspelled the word “tattoos”. For the record, Jesus doesn't care if you have tattoos, but he will send you to hell for making stupid typos.

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