Saturday, December 7, 2013

The 10 Most Disappointing Movies Of The Past 5 Years

From:  The Backlot

This is a defining disappointment: The trailer for Nine was so, so good, and the movie was so, so dull. Not to disrespect the goddess and Tony-winner Jane Krakowksi, but I think part of the problem here is Nine‘s boring story. Writer’s block is hardly a fascinating topic (though I do like the first 20 minutes of Julia, so maybe I’m wrong), and Daniel Day-Lewis is not the man to sell it with musical whizzbang. Nor are Fergie, Penelope Cruz, Kate Hudson, Marion Cotillard, and Judi Dench, who appear randomly in this movie and can’t sustain a fun pace with their limited onscreen presences. How did Penelope Cruz get an Oscar nomination for this? How? Which of her two funny lines did it for her?

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