Wednesday, December 25, 2013


From:  Manhunt Daily
 A gorgeous Brazilian man holds a hose over his head and sprays himself. Beads of water drip down his lean, lightly hairy torso, as his translucent white shorts cling to his body to expose the outline of his (very delicious) 8×6″ uncut cock. The expression on his face reads pure ecstasy. In fact, this might be the same exact face he makes when he’s receiving a slow, wet blowjob. It just might be.

 Throw in the fact that he’s versatile with a great ass to boot, and you can simply click this link to get in touch with him. It’s a surefire recipe for explosive orgasms! Sure, you might not be anywhere near São Paulo or capable of getting there any time soon, but isn’t this picture (almost) enough on its own? I will definitely be jerking off to it. Forever. Until the end of time.

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
. A dor é inevitavel ,o sofrimento opcional. Viver com medo é viver pela metade.
Curto fetiches, preferencia para parrudos ou putos.
Ah!!! tbem sei fazer papai e mamãe , rs hehehe.

E Tbem curto uns bons e bem dados beijos na boca.
SIM, sou eu nas fotos. Sou aquele q muitos amam, milhões me odeiam e poucos tem. Só não me julgue sem antes me conhecer.. Não me dêem fórmulas certas, pq eu não espero acertar sempre.Não me mostre o q esperam de mim, pq vou seguir meu coração! Não me façam ser o que não sou, não me convidem a ser igual, porque sinceramente sou diferente!Não sei amar pela metade, não sei viver de mentiras, não sei voar com os pés no chão.Sou sempre eu mesmo, mas com certeza não serei o mesmo pra SEMPRE! Sou apenas o q as circunstancias me permitem ser. Um homem sensato tem em si a prudência de procurar em outra pessoa de caráter,o complemento do seu ser

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
. Pain is inevitable, suffering optional. Living in fear is half live.

 Short fetishes, preferably for stocky or kids. 
Ah! tbem to know mom and dad, hehehe lol. 
tbém And a good short and well data kisses on the mouth. 
YES, I'm in the photos. I love that q many millions hate me and few have. Just do not judge me before knowing me .. Do not give me certain formulas, because I hope not hit q sempre.Não show me expected of me, cuz I'll follow my heart! Do not make me be what I am not, do not invite me to be the same, because I'm honestly different! Not know love in half, I can not live with lies, I can not fly with their feet on chão.Sou always myself, but surely not be the same forever! 'm Just oq the circumstances allow me to be. A wise man has in him the wisdom to look at another person's character, the complement of his being









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