Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21st is World Peace Day/Winter Solstice

From time immemorial Rosicrucians worldwide have observed the Winter Solstice with the Festival of Light, a rite tracing its origins to the ancient Egyptian mystery schools. This year’s Winter Solstice occurs on December 21 at 9:47 a.m., Pacific Standard Time. Our Festival of Light is devoted to raising world consciousness to help bring about World Peace at this time and throughout the coming year. 

In the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice occurs when, because of Earth’s tilt, that hemisphere is leaning farthest away from the Sun. Therefore, on this day in northern latitudes, the Sun has its lowest arc in the sky and, in number of daylight hours, this is the shortest day of the year. From ancient times, worldwide and in all cultures, this day has been celebrated as a turning point—a point of change from increasing and lengthening darkness to increasing and lengthening light. In many cultures Winter Solstice was celebrated as the birthday of the Sun. 

In ancient Egypt the god Ra, also known as Aton, symbolized the divine light of the Sun. In temples of ancient Greece it was deified as the light rays of Helios. Zoroastrians called it Ahura Mazda, and the Hebrews Aur. Today, Buddhists call it Maha-Boddhi, the Moslems En-Nur, and Christians the Holy Ghost. But whatever terminology is used, from time immemorial this Divine Light has always been associated with God. In a wider sense, it has come to symbolize expanding knowledge and good, while darkness represents ignorance and evil. 

Just as the Winter Solstice is celebrated as the return of Light, because of the Divine Light within each one of us, this time of year is especially favorable to greater personal illumination and expansion of consciousness—a time particularly beneficial for prayer, reflection, and meditation. 

Thus, in our affiliated bodies throughout the world, Rosicrucians take time to reflect, meditate, and celebrate the Festival of Light. Our festival, held on or about the time of the Winter Solstice, is a special ritual devoted to the raising of humanity’s consciousness through hope and love to bring about World Peace, now and throughout the coming year. Please join with thousands of Rosicrucians around the world in our hope for peace and understanding among all people and nations. 

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