Monday, December 30, 2013

10 Guys Who Made Us Realize We’re Gay, ’90s Edition

From: Queerty
 Christian Bale
Ewan McGregor
Jonathan Rhys Meyers 
Velvet Goldmine

The late ’90s provided us with some of the best English imports since Mick Jagger went searching for “Satisfaction” in 1965. Perhaps it’s unfair to list all three of these beautiful blokes together instead of individually, but I ask you, “How can you possibly choose a favorite?” Although each has their own distinct asset that makes them desirable; Christian with those innocent eyes and school boy longings, Jonathan with his Bowie-esque bravado and Ewan with that massive endowment, Velvet Goldmine is so glam rockin’ great because each actor compliments the other perfectly.
Ewan McGregor 

Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Christian Bale

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