Wednesday, November 6, 2013


From:  Manhunt Daily
 If you’re a loyal reader of our Manhunt Man of The Week interviews, then you might recall that Bear Films model Hunter (aka Gunner Scott) mentioned a brand new DVD he released with his real life partner Jorge. Lucky for us, we got our hands on the official trailer a while back! This should be a real treat for anyone who’s noticed we've been slacking on our Woof Alert series for the past few months.

While there’s no link to buy, stream or download a copy of the film, you can contact Hunter personally on his Manhunt profile, MonsterCubFTL. Rumor has it that these two are looking for someone to film a threesome with them, so that’s another great reason to shoot him a message! Even if you’re too far or it doesn't quite work out, I can assure you that Hunter’s damn good at dirty talk… I mean, have you read his “1 Night, 8 Loads” story?

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