Friday, November 1, 2013

Spencer Matthews “Mortified” Over Full Frontal Photo Leak

From: Queerty
Spencer Matthews,  the 25-year-old who stars in the British reality series Made in Chelsea, is said to be “absolutely mortified” after a nude photo of him appeared on the internet.
The photo surfaced on Twitter on October 29 and has been retweeted over 8,000 times. In it, Matthews is standing at the foot of a bed in what appears to be a hotel room, butt naked except for a gold watch.
A source close to Matthews told UK’s MailOnline
The picture was taken in a private situation without him knowing and Spencer is mortified that tens of thousands of people have now seen it.”
He’s absolutely gutted that this has got out,” the source continued, “and will probably be thinking twice before trusting people again.
Some Made in Chelsea fans are claiming this is just karma catching up to the reality star, who has admitted to cheating numerous times on multiple girlfriends, sometimes in their own beds.

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