Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dish of the Day #1286: In bed with . . .

Every Monday through Friday a new Dish of the Day is featured. Click here to vote for your three favorite Dishes in this week'sDeep Dish Pool Party poll.

Today's Dish is Nick Ayler.

Nick Ayler (born April 29, 1987) is an American male model, actor, and DJ.

Ayler was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, He had moved 18 different times during high school, middle school, and grade school, so he had never had the time to take a serious effort and put it towards his dream of one day being a model. Ayler has done campaigns for Abercrombie & Fitch, TYORI menswear, Apple, as well as gracing the pages of numerous magazines including DNA, Mens Exercise, and Bello. He has also made appearances in movies such as Holy Rollers and Fighting, and TV shows such as Army Wives and Mercy.
He has worked with various accredited people in the industry such as Richard Futch in Charleston, South Carolina, and Margy Haber in Los Angeles for acting, as well as Nina Vasco in New York City for modelling. Photographers he has worked with include Hans Farhmeyer, Greg Vaughn, Scott Hoover, Al Ocana, David Arnot and Richard Gerst.
He has been a DJ since he was 14, having traveled up and down the east coast of the US displaying some of his mixing, MC, and crowd controlling abilities. He is a dancer in jazz, hip-hop and tap, as well as a drummer.
Ayler moved a lot growing up but lived in Buffalo, New York, before pursuing his career as an actor/model.

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