Monday, April 4, 2016

Scream, Queens! The Top 40 Horror Films of The 80’s!

From:  The Backlot

I’ve mentioned before that I love claustrophobic horror films, and it probably started with this Canadian (yay!) classic, which is my choice as the greatest slasher film ever made. Unlike the anonymous chum fed to Jason and the rest of the slasher Gods, the kids in My Bloody Valentine are actually likable, and when they venture into the bowels of the earth, it becomes a crap shoot who will survive.

If you get a chance, check out the Special Edition, which restores almost ten minutes of footage that was deemed too extreme for the theatrical release. It’s worth it just for the … laundromat scene. And who can forgot the closing theme “The Ballad Of Harry Warden,” which explains the plot in a creepy “Edmund Fitzgerald”-esque way. It’s the second greatest 80′s horror movie closing theme song (between Prom Night and Happy Birthday To Me).

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