Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Scream, Queens! The Top 40 Horror Films of The 80’s!

From:  The Backlot
Happy Birthday To Me

Melissa Sue Anderson was really trying to shake Mary Ingalls off in the early 80′s. First she became one of Girls With The Power, and then she made this Canadian (yay again!) slasher pic, about a clique of high school kids getting offed one by one.

Beside the presence of Melissa, the movie is best known for the ending, which TPTB admit … they pretty much made up on the spot. But it’s so cuckoo it ends up working. And I have to give a special shoutout to the closing theme song, which is performed by Syreeta (of Billy Preston and Syreeta “With You I’m Born Again” fame). It’s the THIRD GREATEST 80′S HORROR FILM CLOSING THEME SONG. You’ll see the top two closing theme songs later on this countdown. Enjoy the deranged fragility!

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