Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Homosexual Gourmand:

Douglas Booth, Bradley Cooper, Jon Hamm, Charlie Hunnam & Paul Walker
From:  Boy Culture
Bradley Cooper, top (allegedly),
is superhot in his swimgear,
as seen in Life & Style (October 14, 2013)

Jon Hamm shows off his wild pussy in
Life & Style
 (October 14, 2013)

Gotta love Douglas Booth, the 21-year-old "Romeo"
who will star in Shakespeare's classic alongside Hailee Steinfeld.
From People (October 14, 2013)
Charlie Hunnam is 50 shades of hot in
In Touch (October 14, 2013)

Paul Walker is still fit as a fiddle,
as seen in In Touch (October 14, 2013):

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