Thursday, August 20, 2015


Julien Arias

Benjamin Dambielle
This is my not-so-secret evil plan to put J. Harvey‘s Hot Rugger series to shame. Behold, a collection of 38 images from the 2012 Dieux du Stade calendar!

Dimitri Szarzewski
Might I recommend opening them into 38 separate tabs, grabbing an economy-sized bottle of lube and treating yo’ self to a masturbation marathon? You might be busy for a few days, since each of these gorgeous athletes deserves a load of his own. Tom Palmer is my personal fave. Of course, Benjamin Dambielle ain’t too shabby either…
Sebastien Torresin

Tanguy Molcard

Romain Massidda, Thibaut Margolles,
Victor Biscion and David Buatois
Tom Palmer

Fulgence Ouedraogo
Benjamin Lapeyre

Thomas Combezou
Alexandre Lapandry

Paul Couet-Lannes
Cedric Coll

Scott Lavalla
Yann Lesgourgues

Laurent Sampere, Huges Briatte
 & Antoine Burban
Hugo Bonneval

James Haskell
Carentin Daguin

Alexis Driollet & Arthur Chollon
Henri Chevancy

Romain Massidda
Marc Baget

Bastien Torresin
Steeve Blenc-Mappaz

Jules Pusson & Djibril Camara
Txomin Amestoy

Julien Fumat
Yann Lesgourgues, Tanguy Moccard &
Paul Couet-Lannes

Benjamin Dambielle
Julien Fumat, Juliern Tastet
Benjamin Lapeyre & Sebastien Torresin

Alexandre Flanquart
Guillaume Bousses & Louis-Benoit Madaule

Remy Martin
Noah Cato

Jonathan Pelissie
Flavien Basson

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