Monday, October 28, 2013

“Soon He Started To Do Sculptures Of Hot Bear Guys…”

Jorge Lizandra fell in love with Animation art and Sculpture at the age of 7. He began drawing and, later, modelling with plasticine. Soon after  he discovered photography and fell in love with it too.
He graduated in Graphic Design, and work in it for a few years. In the meantime he kept modelling his figures. His first collection was created back in 1997 and sold around Spain, England, USA and Germany.In 1998 he moved to London and inspired him for his second collection back in 2002. Since then he has been living between London and Valencia. In 2008 he began creating new models for  his 3rd collection. Finally  2013 is the year for his 4th but not last collection as Jorge is an artist constantly evolving and He finds in this medium his way of vital expression.

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