Saturday, October 26, 2013

QC DIY: Flirting With Skill (Part One of Three)

From:  Queer Click

Flirting "acting amorously without serious intent" can help you improve social skills, romantic life, friendships, and job success. Where need and desperation are turn-offs, flirting is a charming and honest expression of interest in another person.

To some, flirting comes naturally; to many, it is learned. Flirts have a good sense of humor, are interesting conversationalists, and good listeners. To receive an A on your flirting report card, remember the 3 A's:

Attitude: Decide that it's OK and wonderful to flirt.

Approach: Use body language in a positive way to attract others by looking open.

Action: Make a decision to flirt &  practice regularly until it comes naturally.

Source: Susan Rabin, director of The School of Flirting and president of Dynamic Communcations, Inc.

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