Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25th is World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day takes place on October 25, 2013. This day was founded in 1995 at the World Pasta Congress by 40 international pasta producer and is celebrated annually around the world. World Pasta Day emphasizes that pasta is a global food that is eaten on all continents. Ideally, the World Pasta Day is celebrated with a plate of pasta.

Pasta is a type of noodle and is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily. It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta dishes. Typically pasta is made from an unleavened dough of a durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked and served in any number of dishes.

Pasta is generally a simple dish, but comes in large varieties because it is a versatile food item. Some pasta dishes are served as a first course in Italy because the portion sizes are small and simple. Pasta is also prepared in light lunches, such as salads or large portion sizes for dinner.

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