Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21st is National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day

The Personal Computer Museum proudly presents a chance to clean your virtual desktop. The third Monday of October shall be declared National Clean your Virtual Desktop Day and this year that makes it Monday, October 21st.

In 2009, over 300 million computers were sold and there are an estimated 1 BILLION computers in use in the world today (the number is expected to double by the year 2015). If each and every person has an average of 10 unused icons on their desktop (and we think this is very low), that represents a staggering 169 acres (69 hectares) of wasted virtual space on your desktop! Imagine how many beautiful photos have been obscured by unnecessary icons, the numbers are staggering!

Do your part, clean your virtual desktop on Monday, October 21st 2013!

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