Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Manhunt Daily's Dewitt Comes Out (Sort Of)

From:  Manhunt Daily
 Most of you are already aware that I’m a very, very gay man, and seeing as I have nothing new to say on that topic, I’ve been thinking a lot about what this day means to me on a much more personal level. More specifically, my mind goes to the fact that any of us, regardless of our sexuality, are forced to hide parts of ourselves from society. We have to keep secrets, ostensibly censoring ourselves out of fear of judgment, persecution or, in some parts of the world, extreme violence or execution.

This is absolutely bullshit. You know it, and I know it.

So here comes the scary part! I am not who you think I am. “Dewitt” is not a real person. Sure, he represents parts of who I am, but that is only a mere fraction of my identity. The man behind Dewitt is in a monogamous relationship with a man he loves very much. The man behind Dewitt isn't constantly walking around with a boner and sexually objectifying every human being that walks past him. The man behind Dewitt likes eating pretzels, dancing alone, creating art he’ll never be proud of, drinking good beer and cuddling on the couch with his doofus dog.

 Also, the man behind Dewitt is tired of hiding. He’s tired of feeling awkward every time someone asks him what he does for a living, even though most people are endlessly fascinated once they find out. He’s tired of having Manhunt Daily readers ask him what he looks like, then making a big deal about it, as if it should be some huge secret. He’s tired of worrying that people are going to mistake “Dewitt” for the man behind Dewitt, when they are very, very different people with very, very different priorities. He’s tired of people being assholes, not just on this blog, but everywhere.

And, honestly, he’s just plain tired. He spends way too much time than he should working on this blog, thinking about this blog and living for this blog. He’s come to accept this. His hard work has led to great results, and recently, Manhunt Daily has seen some of its best numbers ever.

My apologies for all the third person, emo bullshit. Now, let’s get to the (hopefully) fun part! Click here and send a friend request to “Dewitt Daily” on Facebook. I will be sharing a picture of myself, taken today right at my desk, with anyone who friends me on that page. It’s not glamorous by any means, and since Facebook won’t allow links to the Daily on their site, I have literally no idea what else I can offer you once we’re “friends”… But think of it as one other way to contact me. Think of it as the only place where you’ll get access to the man behind Dewitt.

You could follow Dewitt on Twitter. You could follow Dewitt on Tumblr. You could send Dewitt a message on his Manhunt profile. You could send an e-mail to dewittdaily@gmail.com orcontact@online-buddies.com. Most likely, the person responding is going to be Dewitt, a sexually-charged character I’ve created who goes to sleep whenever I leave the Manhunt office every weekday. That will not be the man behind Dewitt.
I’m sorry if this ruins the illusion, I’m sorry if this makes the boners Dewitt has given you mean less, and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m doing this for attention. I just couldn't sit here—especially after reading Zachary Sire‘s piece on why he left The Sword—and continue to live this gigantic lie.

Dewitt is not dead. For as long as Manhunt still wants him, Dewitt will be here for you, writing slutty things about rimjobs and jizzing on dudes’ faces.

Meanwhile, the man behind Dewitt is ready to step out beyond the curtain. While he’s not quite ready to go all the way, he’ll let you take a small peek. It’s a step in the right direction, and on National Coming Out Day, every tiny step counts for something.

- The Man Behind Dewitt

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