Monday, October 7, 2013

Kids' Goal Setting Week ~ October 7 - October 11

The purpose of National Kid's Goal Setting Week is for the youth of this world to learn how they can create satisfying and productive lives by defining and achieving their goals.

Learning goal achievement strategies is a critical tool for shaping both present and future generations. With these tools, today's youth will gain the ability to direct their lives in meaningful ways, become productive citizens, serve their own communities and contribute to perpetuating our heritage as a self-reliant culture.

National Kid's Goal Setting Week provides a platform for students to think about, perhaps for the first time, what lifestyle choices they ideally want to pursue for achieving a productive present and future. Focusing on goals gives young people an opportunity to identify their dreams and desires.

Establishing a comprehensive program whereby kids can grasp the true value of goals and gain the tools for achieving them, is a critical skill for crafting desirable outcomes.

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