Saturday, October 5, 2013


Hot Models Support Russian Gays In Björn Borg Undies
From:  Queerty
 Swedish fashion house Björn Borg is showing its support of the LGBT community in Russia by taking out a rainbow underwear ad in the Moscow Times. The ad features a stack of six pairs of skivvies, each one a different color from the rainbow flag, along with the tag line “Björn Borg says da!” (“Björn Borg says yes!”)
The ad is deliberately subtle with its pro-LGBT messaging. According to marketing director Lina Söderqvist, in order to get through Russia’s strict anti-LGBT policies, they had to be coded.
The advert is a way for us to reach Russian influencers,” Söderqvist said. “Björn Borg as a brand has always advocated equality on all levels.
In an interview with GLAAD, Yelena Goltsman, founder and co-president of the Russian-speaking LGBT association RUSA LGBT, thanked the fashion house for its support, saying: “Thank you, Björn! Pro-LGBT actions and statements inside Russia are key in reaching Russian influencers with pro-LGBT messages and supporting the LGBT community of Russia. Björn Borg has found a clever way to do that through marketing. German Olympic team is sporting rainbow-themed Olympic uniforms. We welcome multiple methods of support and we invite all LGBT advocates to find ways, both inside and outside the country to stand in solidarity with LGBT Russians.”
We all appreciates Björn Borg’s efforts, as well. Almost as much as we appreciate their underwear models.

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