Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Illustrators Unite For Russia’s Gays With “Art Speaks Louder Than Words”

The state of the gay community in Russia has prompted international outrage and boycotts. Now, a group of graphic designers are addressing the crisis through their work. Illustrator Anna Goodson sent out an open call this summer for powerful imagery that would speak out for LGBT rights in the embattled Olympic host country. The results, titled “Art Speaks Louder Than Words,” presents a diverse collection of impressive works.

“We are often asked to create images for clients but here was an opportunity for them to create something meaningful, personal and from the heart,” explains Goodson on her website.We believe “Art Speaks Louder Than Words” and we wanted to show the world that our agency and illustrators don’t support discrimination and violence of any kind, regardless of religion, race or sexual orientation.

Below, check out a selection from the series. The full gallery can be seen here.

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