Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hunks of Tinseltown Man #1:

Chris Evans
From: Gay Daily Hot News
 This is the first in my regular series about the hottest guys working in television and movies right now that we’re calling the Hunks of Tinseltown or “HOTT”. Here, I’ll talk a little about the careers and post some photos of Hollywood’s finest leading gents, but since this blog is about sexy guys, that will be the focus. In words, while they may be great at what they do, or may suck, they will have one thing in common: undeniable hottness.
Which bring us, to Captain America.
Anyone who follows my Twitter posts (@JohnTeganXXX) will not be shocked to see Chris Evans as our first HOTT man. While we've all seen him regularly in movies for the last few years (Fantastic Four, Cellular, and my personal favorite, Push), he’s yet to get his big moment, a la Chris Pine in Star Trek.
That’s all about to change. Circle July 22, 2011 on your calendar, guys, because that’s the day Captain America: The First Avenger opens and Chris Evans becomes a true star. Indeed, the photo at the top has already become synonymous with the movie. This gallery will show you why its leading man will be just as big a hit.
Meanwhile, move over Chris Pine. Chris Evans is on his way.


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