Saturday, October 12, 2013

19 Tweets You'll NEVER See Again

From:  Huff Post

In 2006, Obama was just the junior Senator from Illinois, "Borat" was the hottest movie to quote and many of us were still on Myspace. This was also the year that a little micro-blogging site called twttr launched. That site would eventually be rebranded "Twitter" and would become the social networking behemoth we know today.

In  July 2012, Flickr architect Kellan Elliott-McCrea launched a Twitter search tool called oldtweets, making it possible to look up Twitter posts from the site's first year. Users can dig through these ancient tweets by typing keywords for certain topics ("George Bush" or "Jessica Simpson," for example) and viewing what people were saying about those topics in 2006 and 2007.

"[A] key piece of our personal histories is becoming 'the story we want to remember,' aka what we've shared," Elliott-McCrea wrote on his blog this week. "I just wanted my old tweets [and] as a side effect I got all of them."

Try out oldtweets for yourself and leave us a comment  with your most hilarious discoveries. But first, take a look  to see some of our favorite old tweets, touching on classically 2006 topics like bird flu, Razor phones, camcorders and more. These are 19 tweets you'll never see again.

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