Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bad postcard of the week:

Looking back at Holland's Tulip Time
Hey, Mr. Veersma! Turn around! We’re taking a postcard photo here!

This week’s wonderfully bad postcard takes us to Holland, Mich. and Tulip Time – and the mystery of the camera-shy street-sweeper.

The back of this beauty reads: “During Tulip Time every year in May, young and old, all in Dutch costume, perform the ritual of scrubbing the streets. It is a delightful occasion and all part of the fun of Tulip Time in Holland, Michigan.

We’ll never know why the shooter chose a photo that featured not one, but two prominent subjects with their backs to the camera.

We know what the young girl with her back to the camera is trying to do: escape. So let’s concentrate of the aforementioned Mr. Veersma.

Maybe he’s distracted by something in the windows at Woolworth’s.

Maybe he’s looking around to see that his youthful minions are adequately sweeping the streets after he applied more water than my lawn has enjoyed all summer.

Maybe he’s checking to see if the governor has kept on his wooden shoes.

And maybe he’s checking to make sure those pesky pirates didn't try to sneak into the parade again.

Then there’s the stern-looking woman looking toward the third person in our photo showing us her back. The kid must have missed a spot. Slacker.

I confess that I’ve never been to Tulip Time. I tell people in the newsroom that I avoid Holland.

I’m sure it’s a nice place. But bad things seem to happen whenever I go there.

I used to get lost. Possibly because someone said “Turn right at the house with the little windmill on the lawn, and make a left at the house with the little statues of the kids bending over, but not quite kissing.” There are a couple of those out there.

I, of course, have a little Statue of Liberty on my lawn. I get it. And no one gets lost in my neighborhood.

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