Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Harder Stroke!

 The UK’s Warwick Rowers, those round-buttocks-ed angels, are taking you behind the scenes of their annual naked calendar, proceeds from which partially benefit anti-bullying and anti-homophobia programs. We’re kind of openly obsessed with them and they’re kind of openly aware of it. To feed our hunger for more of their lithe, limey bodies, they came up with a very naked “making of” video. Seeing as we had nothing else going on, here are a few photos and gifs of what you can expect from the backstage action.

Some naked running…

Some naked running…

Naked bro time…
Some stroking of the pole…

Some friendly naked rubdowns…

Some playful naked squirting…

Okay, a lot of playful naked squirting…

And what we’re hoping is this hottie’s “O” face

There’s also some rowing, but who the hell cares? Pick up your 2014 Warwick Rowers nudey calendar, behind the scenes video and whatever your little heart desires at

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