Monday, March 28, 2016

Scream, Queens! The Top 40 Horror Films of The 80’s!

From:  The Backlot

Sleepaway Camp

What the F*ckety-F*ck?

That’s the only way to describe this bat shit teen camp slasher. Poor Angela is not having a good time at sleep away camp. She’s constantly being picked on, and what’s odd is that the people who torment her keep turning up dead. That’s really … all I can say without revealing too much. But I want to give special attention to Aunt Martha, (played by the faboo Desiree Gould) who walked in from a completely different film (a film I would love to see, BTW), and stole both scenes she was in.

In the Broadway version, Aunt Martha will be played by John Cameron Mitchell (if Desiree is not available). Below you can see Desiree (looking great 30 years after the film), cooking chicken and talking about the film on Joe Zaso’s Cafe Himbo.

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