Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Scream, Queens! The Top 40 Horror Films of The 80’s!

From:  The Backlot
Friday The 13th Part 2

Now we have the first of the big horror franchises of the 80’s, and because there were so many sequels for each, I decided to pick the one title I think best represents the franchise. With Jason & Company, that would have to be Part 2. There were great moments in all of the other sequels (i.e. The Final Chapter had bald-headed Corey Feldman, A New Beginning had New Wave girl, The New Blood had Kevin Spirtas, Jason Takes Manhattan was one giant hot mess), but Part 2 pulled everything together the best. It had one of the hottest horror himbos of the 80’s (Wheelchair Guy, played by the late gay actor Tom McBride), and it had the greatest Final Girl in the series, the faboo Amy Steel. Plus it had the greatest “It’s only the dog” moment in screen history.

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