Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October is Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month!

Most of us have discovered how highly addicting caffeine is. Even a small daily dose of caffeine can cause significant withdrawal symptoms. So it’s best to slowly lower your caffeine intake each day. Remember, the first step is admitting you may have a problem.

Caffeinated Facts:
•   It takes only 3 days to become addicted to caffeine.
•   A psychoactive drug (central nervous stimulant), caffeine is the most popular drug in the world.
•   The International Olympic Committee has listed caffeine as a prohibited substance. Athletes who test positive for high levels of caffeine (it only takes 5 cups of coffee), may be banned from competing in the Olympic Games.
•   Caffeine can cause excessive sweating.
•   Want to lose that belly fat? Give up caffeine, which raises cortisol levels causing you to crave food.
•   Have high blood pressure? Reducing the amount of caffeine you consume each day is proven to make a noticeable improvement.
•   Caffeine can deplete the magnesium in your body, which is necessary for your heart to work normally.
•   Caffeine can literally make your heart skip a beat. Studies show that it can trigger irregular heart rhythms.
•   Smoke? Cut down on caffeine to reduce your risk of lung cancer.
•   Cut down on caffeine to reduce your risk of kidney stones.
•   Caffeine increases the levels of homocysteine in your blood, which damages blood vessels.
•   Decaffeinated coffee and tea still contain small amounts of caffeine.
•   American adults consume an average of 280 mg of caffeine each day!
•   Researchers have determined that 300 mg of caffeine a day is safe for more adults.
•   The less you weigh, the greater the effect of caffeine. For instance, 1 can of soda has the same effect on a child as 4 cups of coffee on an adult.
•   Apples are more effective at keeping people awake in the morning than caffeine is.

Quote of the Month:
“I don’t have a problem with caffeine. I have a problem without caffeine!” ~ Unknown

Deep Thought of the Month:
Do they have rehab for caffeine addiction?

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