Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Darren Criss:

 7 Gleeful Underwear Moments
From:  The Underwear Expert
 On Sept. 26, our favorite boys and girls from McKinley High’s glee club are coming back. Did Rachel get the part in Funny Girl? Will Demi Lovato sing her own songs? Will Sam wear a jockstrap on his face again? We are all on pins and needles waiting to get the answers to our most burning questions. 
On the top of the list, however, is whether Blaine and Kurt will tie the knot this season. Surely, that will be a big character arc for the show, placing Darren Criss in the limelight. Anyone else feel like his character was lost in the scuffle of the duel Ohio/New York story lines last season? Anyways, we are super glad that he will be front and center yet again.

In honor of Glee returning to Fox in a matter of weeks, we put together some of Criss’ subtle and most outrageous underwear moments

 Out Magazine Part I 
Playing an LGBT character on television, it was only a matter of time before he ended up in an Out Magazine spread. In this image, he is smizing in a pair of red board shorts.
 Here's Looking at You Kid 
From Criss' college days, he poses with a friend while showing off his Hanes boxer briefs.

 Underwear Party 
Our favorite and most relevant photo from Criss' college days. He shows off some more Hanes boxer briefs at an underwear party. 
 Boys Of McKinley 
During an episode of Glee, the male leads participated in a mock calendar spread. When it came to underwear, we didn't know if Criss was naughty or nice under his Santa gear. 
 All about the shades 
Some college photos of Criss surfaced on the internet that gave us some awesome undie moments. This one is pretty trippy.
 People Magazine 
Boys really do grow up and get fit. This shoot for People definitely showed it. Underwear of choice? Commando. 
Out Magazine Part II 
Okay. We cheated. But, interesting enough, Criss could be wearing a low rise undie in this photo. Or, commando. The best part of the shot is the mystery. 

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