Monday, September 30, 2013


From:  Manhunt Daily
 "Bruce Springsteen was recently snapped splashing around on the beach and… He’s 64? Wow. He looks GOOD. There was always something sexy about him. Remember the “Born in the U.S.A.” vid from back in the day, when he was in the jeans and posed with his back to the camera and had the bubble butt going on? That was hot. I’m aging myself again, but it might have caused one of my first boners.
  Right? And he’s still looking pretty fine for what’s considered on-the-way-to-elderly in this youth-obsessed devil culture… In researching further, I found out that there’s a Tumblr dedicated to Bruce’s buttcheeks!

So it seems that many people (well, me and this Tumblr owner) feel that Bruce Springsteen is fappable. Who knew? This should be the start of a whole career resurrection for The Boss. Eff this somber shit, Bruce. Make sure your jeans are as tight as humanly possible and get out and shake that ass. Or fuck it, ride a wrecking ball naked. You’d look way hotter than Miley"  - J. Harvey

Check out some more of Bruce Springsteen looking hot below:


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