Sunday, September 15, 2013

Beards, Mustaches and Underwear

From:  The Underwear Expert
Search engines could be the best and worst thing. Have you ever attempted to write a research paper and couldn’t find what you were looking for? Okay, let’s get real, have you ever tried to google your favorite kind of underwear/underwear model? What came up? Was it a hodgepodge of images with every tenth image being the image you were looking for?
When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a picture of a beard, mustache, and underwear.

We have all had this experience. So, The Underwear Expert wanted to try a little experiment. What would happen if we grouped a few words together with underwear? Would we get some studs or total duds?

This week, we googled “beards, mustaches and underwear.” Of course, when we think off beards, mustaches and underwear, we think of models like Ricki Hall and Rafa Rech. So, it’s quite surprising that those weren’t the pics we found.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a modern day Tom Selleck.
Check out our findings in the gallery below… they definitely weren’t what we expected but were happy and laughing from the results either way. Did you just try to google “beards, mustaches and underwear?”
When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a Ryan Lochte look alike.
That girl is clearly uncomfortable.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a lot of hair...on some guys chest. Nice briefs though. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
 you get your standard hipster 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a Movember Bjorn Borg campaign.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
 you definitely get A LOT of beard.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a low quality pic of David "freakin" Beckham. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get this uncomfortable photo. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you a photo of a guy who clearly cut out his friends
because his mustache was too important.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a vintage pic of Jim Palmer in a thong...whether you like it or not.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get Ken's peach fuzz. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you unite the cowboys and Native Americans.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you unite the cowboys and Native Americans.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a practically hairless WWE wrestler.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a really artsy squatting photo.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
 you get this guy reaching into his Calvin Kleins.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you'll think you found what you were looking for, then you'll get teased.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get this hunky muscle dad in Unico.

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get this diamond in the ruff wearing Rufskin. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get a pic of a retired Lassie werking it out. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get Cousin It. 

When you google "beards, mustaches, and underwear,"
you get the latest lines of Osama Bin Laden underwear. 

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