Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ask QC: No Knob Cheese Please!

From:  Queer Click

Dear Ask QC

I'm a fit 19 year old, completely gay but play a lot of sports and so am in some teams with straight guys (socially). I take pride in my cleanliness and hygiene, especially my cock, balls and ass (you never know when you might get lucky right?).

The thing is this, I ALWAYS wash carefully behind my foreskin daily, gently with soap and water and make sure there is no Smegma there. I thought this was just basic hygiene that everyone followed, but recently I was out with a group of my straight friends and I was horrified to hear them all say they NEVER wash behind there foreskins and that their girlfriends never go down on them anyway! I'm not surprised! Who in their right mind would suck on a cock full of knob-cheese? Surely this can't be right? And there must surely be some medical dangers involved in not cleaning properly there, or worse still sucking on someones Smegma?

I would really like some advice here so I can show them that what they are doing is not only dirty and unhealthy but also risky?


No Knob Cheese

What say you, dear QC readers? Any advice, tips or experiences to help No Knob Cheese let his straight friends know what they should really be doing? Please feel free to share your own experiences and advice to help those Cheezy Foreskins in the comments section.

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